Coding ToDo


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to have the latest news about the blender addon.

Want to join blendercam development?

want to help and you are not a developer?

  •  Make a tutorial and help documenting for others, this is painfully missing part...
  • come to the forum, share your experience, post pictures for the gallery 
  • report bugs on the forum
  • donate to the project
  • give me any machine that has 4 or 5 axes, so I can develop blenderCAM for it.


sorted by current priorities:
  • support position object for groups
  • support objects that are parented for position object and also for all systems.
  • protect vertical fix & improvement
  • finish bridges to work with more operations
  • helical entry with more operations
  • finish ramp entries to work with more operations
  • mechanism to prevent memory overflows.
  • some fun coding, do some work on crazypath
  • machine simulation - do some real machine model simulation.
  • some combined finishing strategy - e.g. cross finish that choooses 
  • feeds and speeds calculator
  • rest milling
  • do a path which enables to carve with v or ball cutters so that these dive only to the extents of the outline, for fonts and fast decorations e.t.c.
  • improve medial axis strategy by getting a voronoi library that supports linear or curved segments

  • chipload computation and adaptation of speed by that.
  • 4-5 axis support(if donations are high enough, I might buy a cheap 4 or 5 axis machine ;) so I can code support then)
  • change structure of libraries, for better orientation in code, make more comments   done
  • use rigid body branch of blender, then do combined shape cutters
  • fix bugs and do a 0.6 release! -done!
  • basic 4 axis milling strategies done!
  • limit curve option done!
  • bridges for cutout operations done
  • chaining and chaining simulation done
  • pencil doesnt work at all really yet.It's a skeleton of some future better code.not hard to make something of it, but currently no motivation.
  • finish or test things marked experimental - neverending story
  • improve performance - this is a never ending task
  • add more options for gcodes to the UI 

  • Use bullet collision detection is becoming the priority number 1. I think it could make the whole addon perfectly stable and fast.  finished!
  • better post-processors library. currently heeks CNC nc library seems to be a good candidate  finished!
  • export spindle speed finished

Ideas on performance and precision optimisation, or, what would help most if somebody with better programming skills can do it:

  • another polygon library for offsetting and booleaning polygons. Currently using Polygon python library. Better performing libraries are Boost.geometry(boost used by blender allready, but doesn't have any python interface, and I guess the geometry module is not yet used) or the Clipper library. 
  • Now there is Shapely in blender CAM. The big task is to get Polygon library out completely.
  •  true mesh object silhouette algorithm - vector based(currently raster based for speed with high polycounts)  I did so far 5 (!) different silhouette algorithms, and none of them is better than the image based silhouette recognition... complex intersections ALLWAYS make trouble
From some of these changes, if implemented, Blender 3d could also benefit for other uses. Especially proper curve offsetting would be a valuable addition.


  1. Hi !!

    You Did a Nice Job ! I had also on plane to mace a Blender Cam but I have not experience on programming

    I have some Idea to create e 5 Axis workflow based on a topology of the model
    I can share this with you ?

    1. Hi Sacha,
      thanks a lot for your donation. And yes, I am very curious about 5d machining ideas. I don't have a 5 axis machine, and it isn't probable I will soon have one, but there could be some simulation module done which would run such code...Don't hesistate to write me or post links to papers here.

    2. Blender Cam: Coding Todo >>>>> Download Now

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      Blender Cam: Coding Todo >>>>> Download LINK

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      Blender Cam: Coding Todo >>>>> Download Full

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  2. Hi!
    Can we use Blender CAM for simulating Forming operations???

  3. would be great if comes with gcode sender!

  4. Hi!
    I'm right now working in the developing of 5 axis machines, pcb and software, open source.

    Lets have a talk

    1. Hi, just trying to find your contact somewhere :) I should really solve how ppl can contact me while not exposing myself to spam...

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  8. Where are you physically located...
    I might be bale to get you a ocketnc 5 axis mill to use for 5 axis development?

  9. i Love this piece of software. Easier to use than any other CAM software I have tried (I already had knowledge of blender though).
    Could you add a slicer? like for 3d printing? That may make this a complete package.
    Thank you so much for your efforts and for making this avaliable!!

