What is new:
- Exact mode is now faster by around 25-30 %
- support for text objects - they kind of worked in some situations but that was a coincidence! :) Now text is properly supported.
- default threshold for optimisation was lowered, the new algorithm works better with that
- Waterline with layers was fixed, now waterline works much more like in other CAM programs. It is however still experimental feature!
- Drill paths now support transformations of the source curve object

There are not so many changes as usual, but I'm kind of running in summer-mode ;)
Support this project by:
- sending feedback on forum
- posting images of your work on the forum
- learn python and start developing with me
- send some money
Big thanks go to:
- Bernhardo Braun and Giovanni Bianchessi for release builds Linux/Mac
- everybody who donates, reports bugs on the forum and posts feedback