Sunday 12 May 2013

release 0.3.0

Hello, tons of work have been done, besides many bugfixes there are some bigger news:

  •  collision precision mode, improves greatly precision for projects where this is needed. This is a great achievment, because the collision library allows to detect collision from any angle, so it will be great for 4 or 5 axis machining(in the far far future ;) ).  Old method is still better for high poly meshes and the only one for images - not so precise, but faster. This was a lot of work. It's relatively slow by now :( , but produces very nice paths:)
  •  export is now handled by the original Heeks CNC nc library, which has been converted for Python 3 and fixed in some parts. It needs probably more fixing to enable more than the post-processors which are currently available. Good news is, FreeCAD is going to use it too, so the library will get attention from more developers :). This library is BSD license, while blenderCAM is GPL, so if anybody reuses this library, please remember this is to be respected.
  •  support for groups of objects, a big recode.
  •  tool id,tool change, spindle on/off, spindle speed are now exported.
  •  operations can be moved up and down in the list, copying is more convenient.
  •  many UI tweaks 
  •  UI speed should be improved a lot, because of update functions
  •  warning system should have now a better 'backend', because of proper update functions 
  •  recursion depth bug solved - curve parenting algorithm could run out of recursion depth if the number of path parts was >1000.
  •  removed 'use all geometry' option, and instead made support for groups of objects.
  •  fixed cutout operation when cutting from image source - did cut border and thanks to it offset to opposite direction!
  •  fixed a bug with simulation - could be accidentaly performed in 8 bit depth
  •  fixed some bugs coming from blender API changes.
As you can see, the development is going on very wildly. Do you appreciate the many working days which were put into this release? If you'd like to help, theres a lot of options. Consider helping in one of these ways: 
  • making a donation
  • reporting bugs, doing some testing of the new features, look into g-code generated by blenderCAM and see if everything works as it should. I have a very simple machine where I run mach3 gcode, so I can't test much in this area.
  • doing more presets for cutters, machines, operations, and sending them to me
  • writing documentation or tutorials and sending those to me , I will put them on the blog, or post these on your website.
  • uploading your images and describing your experience in the forum, a nice gallery means more visitors->more donations and help-> a better software for you to use.
Thanks to:
  • All users who tested, sent feedback, submitted images, and donated money to the project
  • Bernhard Braun for linux builds, testing and feedback
  • Giovanni Bianchessi for mac build

Please take into account that the release can have some bugs, so be sure to look at your paths carefully and do simulation before you use them.


  1. Nice post. I enjoyed reading this post.A good article and quality is very interesting.


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  2. Blender Cam: Release 0.3.0 >>>>> Download Now

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